Sunday, November 29, 2020

Our lastest digital signage case study comes from Illinois in the US.

Minerallac Company, an electrical construction hardware manufacturer, find Repeat Signage software a useful tool for keeping staff updated on events and information. Staff is their satellite office, 2000 miles away, now feel more connected since digital signage was utilised.


Displaying digital signage software with a Q management system

A Malaysian security department needed a system that their programmers could incorporate Q management control with digital signage software. They display Repeat Signage on their screens to show live TV, the counter and announcements, in this case study.


Care home digital signage

We have updated our sample presentation ideas for using Repeat Signage software in care homes and nursing homes. Staff handover time can be reduced by displaying important messages on screens in the nurses station, ensuring excellent communication and that nothing important is missed.


Education digital signage

We have updated our sample digital signage presentation ideas for schools and colleges, both in landscape and portrait format.


Digital signage blog

Repeat Signage's digital signage blog includes an online guide: What is Digital Signage? and links to sample presentations and ideas for using digital signage in education, healthcare, hotels, care homes, restaurants and retail. More market sectors being added.


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Show HN: Where it pays to be a know-it-all: a “videochat marketplace”

Show HN: Where it pays to be a know-it-all: a “videochat marketplace” October 14, 2020 at 08:30AM

Tuesday, October 13, 2020